The Wrigley Kids

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Katelyn learning (5 months)

Wow, I still can't get over how fast Katelyn is growing. I had forgotten how babies go through those months where they master things in weeks, or even just days. The other day, Kyle and I were playing with his Little People farm. I had put Katelyn on the floor in front of me with Kyle's playset to my left. She was on her back, with her feet pointing towards the fence of the playset that ran out between her and me. I started playing tractor and feed the animals and such with Kyle, and three minutes later I looked back over at her and she had flipped herself to her belly AND swiveled her body around like the hands on a clock so that her head was now facing the fence and she was reaching out to grab it now that it was just inches away from her little hands! Wow! I wonder if she'll crawl early... She also is quite good at flipping onto her back from her stomach now, a skill she mastered last week.


  • At 12:29 PM, Blogger tamicatt said…

    Yep, I just started a new schedule where I try to keep Katelyn up for her last feeding at 9:30 instead of 7:30 because she started waking up at 4 in the morning and staying up! Way too early for Mom. We're still working on it, but it's getting there. I try to be in bed at 10, but I really want to try and keep my blog more updated.


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