The Wrigley Kids

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Growing up too fast!

If you've checked out the video on the kids' site, you've seen my little Dumplin scooting already. I call it the inchworm scoot. She is pretty good at rolling and scooting wherever she wants to be now - thank goodness it is still very slow at this point. She is working on sitting now, but prefers to stand, so she doesn't practice it much.

I remember with Kyle I was so excited and even a little impatient for whatever skill he was learning. I think a lot of that had to do with me trying to do things around the house and thinking, "As soon as he can sit everything will be easier". Until he sat and then got frustrated with not crawling and then everything would be easier when he crawled, or cruised, or walked, or whatever. There was always something just a few weeks away that was going to make everything better. But with Katelyn, it's more like, "Oh my gosh, she's scooting! She's not supposed to do that yet, is she? Is she really six months? Oh, I don't want her to be sitting, already!" She's growing TOO fast!

Kyle is learning things at a rapid-fire pace as well, but it's not as apparent, of course, since it's all brainy sequences like language development and critical thinking. He learns new words every day, and talks, talks, talks, all the time. He sings goofy songs and still loves to play with Katelyn for a few minutes at a time all day long. He did the old "trip and fall" comedy routine for her last night and had her laughing over and over again. It's funny to me that even a six month old gets the trip and fall humor!


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