The Wrigley Kids

Sunday, May 15, 2011


Life is moving along WAY too fast!

Katie is learning to read in school. Just small simple words, but it is a relief to see how much interest she has in reading. Kyle, who reads fine now, was just not interested when he was younger and had me in a panic at one point. Anyway, she'll do great in Kindergarten since she's already learning sight words at the end of pre-school.

Katie is just utterly delightful now that she is five. It seems age five is just great all around. Although she can still be difficult and stubborn, it is much less frequent and less intense. And tantrums are usually followed by an apology! Hope that's how it is when she's a teenager! She has also picked up a new game that I used to play as a girl. I know this will delight my sister, Kim - she likes to walk around on all fours pretending to be a dog or a cat. She meows and barks and whimpers while shuffling around on the ground. I used to drive Kim crazy doing this; it makes me laugh to think about it. Anyway, most of the time it is pretty cute, but I do see now that it can be annoying sometimes. And she does something I never did - she licks my hand every once in a while. Eew! She's also made me put her hair in side ponytails every day last week for school - so she could have floppy dog ears.

Kyle has been busy getting better at handball. He had a rough time this year since he had a male teacher that didn't sympathize with his constant emotional outbursts at school. He also just started baseball, and that is toughening him up, too, since they finally play a more "real" game with outs and such instead of the T-ball version last year, letting everyone get on base, always getting to home and never getting an out. When Jeff was explaining to him that he might get called out, etc., Kyle said excitedly, "Oh, so there's going to be an emperor at the game!?"


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