Additional uses for the cup!
A couple of weeks ago, I went downstairs to get laundry, and Kyle informed me he was training to be a ninja. In particular he was training to use the Bow-staff, and it was very difficult as he was failing at the spinning throw. I gave an appropriate, “That’s great, etc., keep on practicing, etc.” response and went upstairs to put the laundry away.
Kyle then comes in a few minutes later and asks if he could please use the new baseball cup we had just bought him! Sometimes the bow was spinning around to his front and hitting him. He was so serious about it! Totally adorable.
Later I was getting dinner ready in the kitchen while Kyle was playing Wii, and he points out how handy having his cup on was since sometimes he gets really energetic and might whack himself a little with all those fast, sweeping arm movements. He turns to me, and whacks himself hard in the crotch just to show me how well protected he was! It was really cracking me up.
The very best part of this story to me is how he only used the cup during one baseball practice and one game. After the game (2nd wearing), he let us know he didn't want to wear it during baseball anymore because it was just messing his game up! He did spend about a quarter of field time "adjusting". So much so, that within about the first 5 minutes of game time, my Mom leaned over and whispered to me, "Why is Kyle pulling at his pants?"
At 5:44 AM, DADO said…
Classic! I was assuming a cup as in something one drinks out of! Yea, right GrandPa. It to me a moment to catch-up to our grandson's maturing. :o) Keep up the great work!
At 5:45 AM, DADO said…
You posted this - more or less - within you monthly objective. Go Tamicatt!
At 2:50 PM, DADO said…
We are approaching 90 days with no journal entries. Get with it girl!
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