The Wrigley Kids

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Guest Entry by Aunt Kim

Last night at Megan's volleyball game Katie had finished eating a Reese’s cup and she was sitting next to me and I mentioned to her she smelled like peanut butter. She turns to Tami and says, “Mom, I smell like peanut butter, I need a shower.” Such a goof. I then tell her how pretty her dress is and she puts her legs out and looks at me like, “And the shoes?????” She’s really very funny and you have to love the sexy Jessica Rabbit voice.

Kyle is walking around the gym listening to his DSi and has “Beat It” playing and singing right along to it. He was very excited he had the BlackEyed Peas as well. He wanted to show Megan all his songs and Megan said but Kyle you showed me that one. He says, “But you’ve only seen this many, I have more!!!”

Technology is truly a beautiful thing. I told him he needed “I’ve got a feeling.” By the BEP. They do make you smile and they are very cute.
